Thursday, October 30, 2008

a lovely morning

this morning I took L and S to the river to feed the ducks. the bummer was, there were no ducks. so, we decided to take a little walk into the bosque. we had a blast, laughing, singing, running-they were so fun. S loved running in the woods and looking at all the sticks. L is such a great sister, she walked closely next to S and made sure he didn't trip. we missed M so much, but i did enjoy just spending time with the two. i need to do this more often....

thank you Lord, that you blessed me with such a beautiful morning. the warm sun, the laughter of my children, the beauty of your creation. i'm in awe of how you know just what i need and when i need it. i pray that i hold onto this day and treasure the time spent, it was a wonderful gift.


Tish said...

can't wait to join you guys on a walk!

how is your grandmother?

kayellen said...

What a wonderful post Kari:)
Happy November!
Hope all is well with you.
I am sure Greg was an inspiration to your church this weekend.
